All Hail the Queens

Once upon a time there was a group of mostly old white men who could do anything they wanted. They had incredible power and could make laws throughout the land that could protect all the children who lived there. The men, and a few women, worked in a magical land called Washington D.C. Their jobs were to represent the citizens from the 50 states across the land. They decided what needed to be done for their state’s citizens and introduced bills and passed laws that were supposed to help and protect each state’s citizens.

Some of you may be asking yourself, “What is a law?” Well, a law is basically a rule that everyone is supposed to follow. Though often times, the old men, and some women, don’t have to follow the laws. For instance, one of the current laws in the land is something called the minimum wage. The minimum wage is the smallest amount of money an employer is required to pay an employee. The current minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. The old men, and a few women, who make the laws do not accept minimum wage for their “work.” They believe they are much too important and need to be paid a lot more money for their knowledge and wisdom. The old men, and a few women, used to earn, on average, $608 an hour! However, that was several years ago, so never fear, I’m sure they are averaging much higher hourly wages these days even though the $7.25 minimum wage has been the same since 2009. Now to be fair, the old men, and some women, don’t work 40 hours or 60 hours or 80 hours or more per week like a normal person. Remember, these are very special people and they only work a few days a year.

Some of the laws they pass are quite silly. Laws such as, you cannot throw snowballs in the city of Wausau, which is in the state of Wisconsin, a land filled with snow. I’m sure this law was passed to protect children from having too much fun on a winter’s afternoon. In Alaska it is illegal to have a kangaroo in a barber shop…EVER! Interestingly enough, a barber is one of the lowest paid employees in government and kangaroos are not common to Alaska.

Just this week, one of the silliest laws ever was created in the state of Tennessee. I’ve been to Tennessee. I’ve actually lived there. It’s a beautiful state filled with lovely people who have soft southern accents. They love good food and a lumpy water called grits. It is the home of country music and country stars, including the beloved Dolly Parton. The silly law that Tennessee has passed is meant to stop the drag queens! Dolly, herself, has said that if she hadn’t been born a girl, she would’ve been a drag queen!

Poor Dolly would be without employment now if she performed as a drag queen, because Tennessee has decided that performing as a drag queen anywhere where a child might see them is illegal! The bill was signed into law by Bill Lee and will go into effect on July 1, 2023. He is the governor of TN and one of the old men that I mentioned earlier. There is a photo on the internet that supposedly is of Mr. Lee, dressed like a girl during a fun frolic from his high school days; an event where there were many children present! However, he nor his press secretary will confirm or deny that the photo is actually of him. So I will leave it up to you look for it, if you choose, and you can draw your own conclusion.

This law is supposed to protect children. You see, some drag queens have had the audacity to go into libraries dressed like, well like, I suppose, like Dolly! Not only are they, often times, dressed in more clothes than a woman from the Victorian era, they are wielding, of all things, are you ready for this??? They’re wielding….A BOOK! I’m sure it’s something highly offensive too, like ‘The Cat in the Hat’ or ‘If You Give A Moose a Muffin.’

I had no idea that drag queens were such a threat to our nation’s children. You see, when I’m reading about our country’s mass and school shootings, which happen regularly. Heck, there’ve already been over 100 this year, and March has barely begun! Last year we had to wait until March 19, before we hit that milestone! Makes ya proud to be an American, hey?

Yet there is never any mention of drag queens being the shooters. Generally the shooters seem to be misguided, far right leaning, proud white boys or men. I even did a google search of “How many children have been killed by drag queens?” Google’s response was, ‘It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search. Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. For example, “cake recipes” instead of “how to make a cake.”‘

So according to Google, I can learn how to make a cake but it ain’t got nothin’ about children being killed by drag queens. I did another Google search to determine how many children had been harmed by drag queens. The results took me to an article talking about the Texas GOP claiming that drag queens are hurting children, not guns. The Texas GOP is mistaken. There hasn’t been a single incident that involved a drag queen harming or killing a child, unless you include killing someone with kindness, then I suppose they are guilty of that. However, guns are hurting children! Guns are killing children! 19 children were killed in a school shooting in Uvalde, TX on May 24, 2022. Less than 2 weeks later a bill was drawn up to ban drag shows in the presence of minors. I guess if you’re an old white man this seems like a logical solution to gun violence.

You know what else you can find on Google? You can find an article about that time Nashville, TN hosted The Sports Illustrated swimsuit fan party. Go ahead and click on that last link! You will see an image of a cover of Sports Illustrated with young girls who are topless and wearing thong bikini bottoms! I lived in Nashville at that time. I remember that event. The temperature was in the 50’s and in typical Nashville style, they shut countless roads down for that very public event. I don’t recall one single concern about sexualizing children or worrying about any child being harmed by seeing half naked girls running around the streets of downtown Nashville. I wonder if Bill Lee was there? Just for kicks, I did a Google search to see if he might’ve been there. I can neither confirm nor deny if he was there, however he does seem to enjoy doing what he can to cripple the LGBTQ community because this article about him signing legislation that banned transgender collegiate athletes popped up.

The law regarding drag queens in Tennessee, and other bills and soon to be laws in other states, are nothing more than hate wrapped up in the misuse of power. These laws won’t protect children. They won’t protect anyone. In fact, I predict most of these laws will harm children. Some of these laws want to remove children from their loving homes if the parent supports and seeks assistance for their child. If their child asks questions and wants to seek help or advice because they think they might be different, these laws will prevent that from happening and inflict major damage to the child and the family!

As long as the old white men, and some women are occupying the magical land of Washington D.C. we all will be forced to live in some Stephen King like world of horror. Eventually though, the children who are being attacked, I mean “protected” from the drag queens will be old enough to vote and then we might be able to end this story with the words, ‘and they all lived happily ever after.’


Summer vacation! Is there a child in our country who doesn’t live for summer vacation? Today there are 19 fewer children who will experience the excitement of the last day of school. Today there are 19 fewer children who will get to live for summer vacation. Today there are 19 fewer children who will get to play outdoors this summer. Today there are 19 fewer children who will get to travel, explore, and learn with their parents and siblings this summer! Today there are 19 fewer children living for summer vacation!

There are also two less teachers. I imagine they had parents who are mourning the loss of their babies now. At least one of those teachers was a Mom. Her children will have to grow up without her. Her children will never enjoy another summer vacation with their Mom. Today there are 21 families whose summer vacations will NEVER be the same again!

For the past several weeks so much of what has filled my newsfeed is that Roe vs Wade will most likely be overturned. The pro-lifers are ecstatic about this. Where are they now?! Twenty one lives have been ABORTED in the blink of an eye! Where are the pro-lifers now?

I just read a very telling post on a friend’s Facebook page. “In Texas life begins at conception and ends at childhood.” One of his friends commented that it really should read “In the United States…” I decided to post on my Facebook page so it read, “In The United States life begins at conception and ends at childhood.”

We need to stop calling these insane REGULAR occurrences “school shootings”. We need to call them what they are, CHILD KILLINGS! Killings that occur time and time again because a large group of people keep screaming about their second amendment rights. Many in that group are more than willing to strip women of their right to make choices regarding their own bodies. The hypocrisy is mind blowing! Talk about baby murderers!

As I write this I’m listening to the Governor of Texas speaking at a press conference. He has just gone on about the heroics of the all the law officials involved! He’s now talking about how the gunman didn’t have any known criminal history or any known mental health issues. Now he’s saying they have a problem with mental health in this community. What are you trying to say OR not say, Mr. Abbott? It seems obvious to me that he’s already setting up to defend the insane lenient gun laws that he’s helped to pass! There’s Ted Cruz standing behind him looking like he did when he got caught leaving the state of Texas in February of 2021, during one of the worst storms in Texas’ history! The press conference got a little interesting when a man approached them and started yelling something. Given the response from one of the men on the stage, it sounds like the man was attacking the politics of gun control. The man was removed and then the group onstage went onto say how this was not the time to discuss the politics of gun control. It never is when this happens, is it?

The problem is that the shootings never slow down. So there’s never a time to discuss how the politicians, who do nothing, are responsible for these killings! The death of every child and faculty member that took place in Uvalde, TX yesterday and the other TWENTY SIX child killings that have taken place in this year alone, is the fault of every lawmaker in Texas and across the country, who continue to do NOTHING to change our laws!

No, I don’t have the answers and I don’t know what to do, but I do know that thoughts and prayers aren’t working.